Oración y devocional semanal
Weekly Prayers we are asking that each day you pray for a separate category and do your daily devotion with 57 Days Ablaze

Please pray for our cities so they will come back to the Lord and the depression over them will be broken

Pray for our Government and the workers that they will get the United States back on track following Jesus

Pray for the people of Pakistan that they will be safe and continue to grow

Pray for all that are sick and not able to get out and about. That the Lord will up lift them and heal them.

Pray for our kids and staff in the school system for safety and knowledge. Bring Prayer back to the school system

Pray for Our Missionaries and Jerusalem

Pray for our Pastor and the his family, our church family, and all of our extended families

365 Days of Prayer

Daily Devotional
Cómo pasar 30 minutos con Dios
5 minutos de ADORACIÓN
10 minutos en ORACIÓN
15 minutos de lectura de la BIBLIA